Saturday, September 22, 2018



Best way to dry herbs. Ever. And, simplest.


Microwave safe plate.

Place on paper towel.

Cover lightly.

Place in microwave for 20 seconds.

Take a peak.

20 seconds more.

Take another peak.

20 seconds more.

Take a peak.

When your leaves feel dry like fall leaves, papery, but not discolored, then they are properly dry enough to store. Depending on your own microwave, drying time may vary. Best to dry for 20 seconds intervals.

Roll paper towel and press down onto the towel, breaking the leaves. The more you press the finer the texture will be. The microwave preserves their beautiful green color when dry.

You can chop or sip them.

Chives, Cilantro, Rosemary.

One great use for all those yogurt containers you have been collecting, now you can purchase resealable caps…Link here.

Use a glass marker, or a tag.

I found these glass apothecary jars but I didn't like the labels. I soaked them in hot soapy water and they easily came off...Link here. They make great spice jars.

Let a few of these hide out in your cupboard.


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